
As businesses are increasingly looking to the internet to engage their customers directly, more robust web applications are needed to provide comprehensive user experiences. Two of the most popular emerging application frameworks for building interactive web applications are Ext JS (for desktop web apps) and Sencha Touch (mobile web apps)—both products of Sencha Inc.

We recently completed a project designing a practice management platform for Smile Brands Inc. built on the Ext JS and Sencha Touch frameworks. Our challenge was to design an extremely user friendly and intuitive interface that would allow users to navigate large amounts of content quickly and efficiently.

The client needed these platforms to roll out web-based support services to over 1,000 dental service groups in 18 states across the country. They required an environment that was original enough to accommodate their new vision for a feature-rich web experience, while still remaining accessible across the entire spectrum of their large client-base.

A key component of the project was implementing periodontal charting for individual patients. This required us to model individual teeth at various sizes and angles, as well as in different states of restoration and decay. We anchored the overall user experience with a collapsible office
navigation pane residing on the user’s left. The pane allows users to jump to, or select different options depending on where they are in the application. We also created innovative scheduler interfaces for call centers and individual offices, as well as a comprehensive office dashboard.

For a more technical rundown of the project you can check out this write-up featured on Sencha’s blog and written by the VP of application development at Smile Brands Inc.

At Ripcord Digital we are continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible in web app development. As such, our expertise in Ext JS and Sencha Touch frameworks is one of the many things that sets us apart from other designers and developers who’ve yet to master—or even acknowledge— these cutting edge tools. We are also in the process of building up our own suite of different Ext JS themes for various uses.

We’d like to thank you for reading our post on Sencha Touch and Ext JS design. If you think your company or someone you know might be interested in using one of our application framework themes, or who needs custom web app development, we’d love to hear from you. Simply complete our ‘contact us‘ form and we will get back to you promptly.

